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How we can help

ReDo - Norfolk is here to help businesses and charities, as well as individuals send less to landfills. As such we are happy to work with anyone with the same mindset, together trying to find solutions. Some of the things we have done so far are:


A caretaker working for a shopping centre asked for help. Clearing out a unit, his aim was to throw away as little as possible. With our help he minimised the items thrown away to just a handful, saving almost half a tonne from landfills. 


A local charity wanted to see how they could throw away less donations with minor defects as well as  getting more out of the donations they had. Together we are now saving close to 500 kilos per month from going to rag. This is also increasing the money the charity makes on these items, as well as helping us pay for our outgoings.


A local eco-artisan approached us to source materials for her business. As so many other one person businesses, funds were very tight and she struggled to make it worth her while. Through us she now has a regular source of material at a cost that is viable for her. The materials come from donations from individuals as well as the waste created from the charities we work with. Win - win - win!


A disabled person contacted us about packaging. He told us that being disabled, buying online was a necessary evil for him. As an environmentalist, he was shocked and saddened by the amount of packaging he had to throw away every month.
We are now taking most of the packaging from him, using it for our online sales. Raising money for local charities while selling items otherwise destined for landfills.
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